Syke: Särkynyt Sydän

Syke: Särkynyt Sydän

Spelltid: 1h 30min
Genre: Drama

Everything is on track in the life of the beloved but eccentric surgeon Petteri Holopainen but when a patient close to him is rushed to the hospital, nothing can go back to the way it was. Holopainen loses everything he holds dear. When a familiar person from the past enters his life, Holopainen must decide what still matters.




Finnkino Oy Teatterilevitys


Taavi Vartia

Ledande roller

Matti Ristinen, Antti Luusuaniemi, Jarkko Niemi, Leena Pöysti, Lena Meriläinen

Visningar och biljetter

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