Set in the backdrop of Punjab in the 1980s, Jodi is a musical journey of two talented and passionate artists who redefine the Punjabi folk music while falling in love with each other. With their love growing stronger, a shroud of mystery envelopes their path. Sitaara is a musician without audience. Kamaljot is in love with him and accompanies him on stage. Improvising a song, she gets fame. Kamaljot and Sitaara will have to challenge their ego to make true love win.
FinBolly Movies
DirectorAmberdeep Singh
Leading rolesDiljit Dosanjh, Nimrat Khaira, Drishtii Garewal, Gurshabad Singh, Hardeep Gill
Show times and tickets
Show times
Explanations of version symbols
- Subtitle language
- Spoken language
- Movie format 3D
- Erikoisnäytökset Baby Movie Family Movie Day Senior Movie Day Pieni elokuvakerho Gem of The Month Descriptive subtitles
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