100 Liters of Gold

100 Liters of Gold

Duration: 1h 28min
Genre: Comedy

Middle-aged sisters Taina and Pirkko are famous for their Finnish farmhouse ale called “sahti”. The third sister, Päivi, is getting married, and she asks her sisters if they can make 100 liters of sahti for the wedding. Unfortunately, it’s too good not to drink it. The sisters wake up in a horrible hangover and realize they have drunk it all. They have 24 hours to find 100 liters of good sahti, or they will lose all the respect. 

The age limit has not yet been defined




Finnkino Oy Teatterilevitys


Tuula Nikkola, Teemu Nikki

Leading roles

Elina Knihtilä, Pirjo Lonka , Ria Kataja, Jakob Öhrman, Elmer Bäck

Show times and tickets

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