Information about age restrictions
Please check whether a film has any age restrictions before buying a ticket.
Each film has its specific age rating, always displayed on the film’s description page. If you are a young customer or intend to visit our cinema with a child or a young person, please ensure in advance that all underaged members of your party are old enough to see the film. K18-rated films may only be seen by people who are 18 or older, while films rated K16, K12 and K7 can be viewed by a customer three (3) years younger than the age rating, provided that they are accompanied by an adult.
Age ratings are determined according to the Act on Audiovisual Programmes
The age restrictions of films and TV programmes warn viewers of content that is harmful to a child’s development. The ratings are not recommendations and do not indicate the age groups that programmes are intended for. Age ratings are based on the Act on Audiovisual Programmes, whose purpose is to protect children.
The content symbol indicates the type of harmful content that a specific age restriction is based on. Age restrictions are compulsory, i.e. audiovisual content may not be screened, rented or sold to viewers younger than the ratings. Cinemas must ensure that the viewers are old enough to see a given film. Therefore, please be prepared to prove your age with picture ID at the ticket desk when purchasing tickets to films rated K16 or K18. You can read more information about age restrictions from the National Audiovisual Institute, KAVI.
Age restriction symbols
Allowed to all ages (but doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a children’s movie).
Allowed to children 7 years old and above (when accompanied with an adult, children 4 years old are also allowed)
Allowed to children 12 years old and above (when accompanied with an adult, children 9 years old are also allowed)
Allowed to persons 16 years old and above (when accompanied with an adult, 13 years old are also also allowed)
Allowed to persons 18 years old. No exceptions.
Content symbols
Movie involves violent scenes.
Movie involves distressing content.
Movie involves drug and or alcohol abuse
Movie involves sexual content.