BIOREX REDI’S BIRTHDAY from June 7th to June 11th!

Celebrate BioRex Redi’s birthday with only 4 euro movies!
Movie tickets cheaper than ever for 4 euros at BioRex Redi from 7th to 11th of June!
At BioRex Redi’s 1 year birthday, we offer all movies for only 4 euros, and a limited amount of serial tickets for only 20 euros from June 7th to June 11th only in BioRex Redi (in Helsinki).
The movies for the campaign week can now be purchased from BioRex webshop (excluding serial tickets) and BioRex Redi’s cash desk under opening hours.
Campaign tickets can not be reserved, only direct purchase is possible.
Campaign weeks´s movies
Action & comedy
Animation & family
Horror & thriller
Note that Transfromers: Rise of The Beasts movie is not part the campaign. The whole repertoiry can be found from MOVIES page starting from 2nd of June.

Extremely cheap serial tickets
During the birthday campaign, we offer a limited amount of serial tickets for only 20 euros. The serial tickets can be purchased only from BioRex Redi’s cash desk on the campaign days with a limited amount of 100 tickets per day. Restriction of purchase is 1 serial ticket package per customer.
Serial tickets 5 pcs / 20€ (Valid for 2 months from purchase)
- Wed June 7th. – 100 pcs on sale at 12.00 pm
- Thu June 7th. – 100 pcs on sale at 12.00 pm
- Fri June 7th. – 100 pcs on sale at 12.00 pm
- Sat June 7th. – 100 pcs on sale at 12.00 pm
- Sun June 7th. – 100 pcs on sale at 12.00 pm
Movie treat sales
On our campaign days we naturally offer all of our combos at a more affordable price than usual. You can choose the right fit from our three combo sizes S, M or L.
- Movie Combo L 7,95€ -40%
- Movie Combo M 6,95€ -40%
- Movie Combo S 5,95€ -40%
- Fazer crunchy chocklad bars 1€ / each (ord. 1,90€)
- Snacks 3€ (ord. 3,95€)
All of the offers above are valid only at BioRex Redi on the campaign days from 7th of June until 11th of June 2023. These offers cannot be combined into other offers or discounts.